Kid'n Around Kindergarten
Early childhood is a significant period in human development. It is the time when children begin to develop independence, initiative, decision-making abilities, creativity, early literacy and numeracy skills. During this stage children have the ability to learn and relate to others; developing communication skills and feelings of self-worth!
What young children learn during this time will have a major impact on successful learning experiences in school, personal growth and future participation in society. Young children begin all this important learning in a variety of environments - in their homes, day care programs and in the community.
The kindergarten program includes clear expectations in six learning areas:
- Communication, language and literacy
- Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Physical development
- Knowledge and understanding of the world
- Creative development
The program reflects an understanding of child development principles. These principles are embodied in the curriculum design and the general learning environment.
The instructional delivery is organised around learning centres, where opportunities are provided for children to acquire skills and concepts such as: problem-solving, decision-making, questioning, evaluating, and discovering.
Our goals at Kid'n Around Kindergarten
- To help the child develop a positive self image.
- To help the child achieve intellectual growth.
- To help the child enlarge his/her world of people, experiences and ideas.
- To help the child increase competence and skills in listening, thinking, and speaking.
- To help the child increase physical coordination skills.
- To help the child deal with social and emotional situations.
- To help the child increase his/her level of independence and self-direction.
- To help the child develop trusting relationships.
- To help the child develop his/her natural curiosity and creative potential.
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