Primary Mentor
Start date August 2024
The School is one of the newest schools to set up in the heart of Dubai. Using the UK National Curriculum as its standard, the school has a custom-built curriculum based on their vision and values. It builds upon the framework with six key threads: Mindset, Entrepreneur, Health and Wellbeing; Sustainable Leadership, Global and Digital Literacy – forming the pattern of its comprehensive, holistic, inclusive and fun education system.
School Mission
“To provide an inclusive, safe and nurturing learning environment for all students to success and excel”
School Vision
“To aspire students to become productive and responsible global citizens who are lifelong learners able to communicate effectively, embrace diversity and contribute to development”
Successful candidates will become members of the Primary team to work in conjunction with the Vice-Principal, responsible for Primary Education, to ensure that the primary curriculum is broad, sequential and relevant, taking account of all learners in their care. Primary mentors will place the highest importance on the well-being of all learners, ensuring excellent levels of pastoral support and encouragement of every child.
Mentors will model the values of the school and create a culture where all members of the community learn, thrive and collaborate, ensuring all individuals are empowered and nurtured, as the school becomes known as a centre of excellence.
Applications will be welcome from teachers with experience in Foundation Stage 1 & 2 through to all year groups in Key Stage 1 & 2 up to Year 8.
Candidates must have the following qualifications:
I look forward to your quick reply and if you are happy for me to share your CV with the school Principal