The Top 5 Tips For An Online Interview
With the current circumstances, interviews will have to be a video call and take place over platforms such Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, or Microsoft Teams. While the idea of a remote interview may initially be daunting, video call interviews can really be the best of both worlds! You get to meet your interviewer and make a good impression, albeit not 'in-person', while eliminating the potential time and cost involved in long-distance travel. This article is going to give the top 5 practical tips for an online interview.

- Practise
Practising is essential for video call interviews. Even if you've used Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, or Microsoft Teams before, doing a test run with a friend can help eliminate any potential issues and make sure everything is running smoothly. Not only will this allow you to test your equipment, it will also help you get used to talking to people through a video call platform in a professional manner. It is essential to make sure your camera and microphone are good quality. Check the level of your volume of the microphone. In addition, make sure your internet connection is strong and there is no delay/ lag when speaking.
- Present yourself well

Given the fact that you are likely to be taking your video interview in an environment you are familiar with, it can be easy to forget that most of the same protocol of a face-to-face interview still applies. Remember that the person on the other end is watching your body language. Smile and be polite, dress smartly, and make sure your phone is switched off or on silent. Similarly, you want to ensure that the area you are taking your interview in is well presented, ideally a quiet, neutral room with no distractions. Remember to check behind you, as this is the view that the interviewer will see. Also make sure you avoid interruptions by letting everyone else in the house, for example, know about your interview. As the quality of the call can vary, you need to ensure that nerves do not lead to speaking too quickly, so speak more slowly and deliberately than you might in a face to face interview.
- Think about your equipment
We recommend using a laptop or computer to video call, if possible. Having a stationary unit set up will ensure you stay in frame of the video. Holding a tablet or phone device may come across as slightly more unprofessional if you are shaking the screen and/or moving. As expected, you might be a little nervous, so not having to hold onto the device interviewing you will help ease these nerves. However, due to the dramatic increase in interviewing from home, and living in these abnormal times, a phone or tablet is fully acceptable if you don’t have any other video calling device. Purchasing a simple stand will help eliminate any shaking. Make sure your device is fully charged beforehand. Also, have a think if you want to wear headphones or a headset. Often this is good at eliminating background noise as headphones tend to come with a built-in mic. You can play about to find the best quality with your practice session. A smaller, more discreet headset may be better as a larger set may hide some of your face.
- Look at the camera instead of the screen
When interviewing through Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, or Microsoft Teams, remember to always look at the camera lens rather than your screen. While looking at the screen may appear that you are looking down on your interviewer, looking at your camera will appear as if you are making eye contact. In addition, remember not to get distracted by your own image appearing on the screen.

- Take advantage of the circumstances
Unlike face-to-face interviews, online video call interviews have the advantage of allowing you to keep notes and your CV to hand. Just make sure that you don't rely heavily on these notes, and that they are always out of sight of the interviewer.
Best of luck in your interview!

Digital Marketing Manager